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$ \newcommand{\v}{\vec} $ Differential equations
Last updated on: TUE APR 06 IST 2021

Differential equations

We shall start with a familiar physics example that will lead to an unmanageable differential equation.

An example: simple pendulum

During our high school days we are taught that a simple pendulum executes an approximately simple harmonic motion if the angle of swing is small. However, high school textbooks avoid discussing the general case: the motion of a pendulum that may swing to larger angles. The main reason is that this leads to an unmanageable differential equation that cannot be solved without a computer.

Consider the following diagram.
Simple pendulum
Taking $O$ as the origin and positive $x$- $y$- and $\theta$-directions as shown, the position of the bob is $$\begin{eqnarray*} x & = & L\sin(\theta)\\ y & = & -L\cos(\theta). \end{eqnarray*}$$ Remember that $\theta $ is a function of time $t.$ So the above equations actually mean $$\begin{eqnarray*} x(t) & = & L\sin(\theta(t))\\ y(t) & = & -L\cos(\theta(t)). \end{eqnarray*}$$ The forces on the bob along the positive $x$- and $y$-directions are, respectively, $$\begin{eqnarray*} F_x & = & -T\sin(\theta)\\ F_y & = & T\cos(\theta)-mg. \end{eqnarray*}$$ Here $T$ is the tension in the rod. It is also a function of $t.$

To derive the equations of motion we shall use Newton's second law of motion, which says $$\begin{eqnarray*} F_x & = & m x''\\ F_y & = & m y'', \end{eqnarray*}$$ where $x''$, $y''$ denote the second derivatives of $x(t)$, $y(t)$ with respect to $t.$

Differentiating $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ twice we get $$\begin{eqnarray*} x'' & = & -L \sin(\theta)(\theta')^2 + L \cos(\theta)\theta ''\\ y'' & = & L \cos(\theta)(\theta')^2 + L \sin(\theta)\theta ''. \end{eqnarray*}$$ Putting these in Newton's second law, and simplifying, we get $$ \theta '' = -\frac gL \sin(\theta). $$ At this point most textbooks use the ``$\sin(\theta)\approx \theta $'' approximation for "small" $\theta$ to reduce the above differential equation to $$ \theta '' = -\frac gL \theta, $$ which can be solved easily by hand to produce simple harmonic motion. The approximation is pretty good if the pendulum swings within $4^\circ$. But not all pendulums swing within that range. What if you have a pendulum that swings $30^\circ?$ That's what we are going to explore now.

We first reduce the second order differential equation $\theta '' = -\frac gL\sin\theta$ to a system of first order equations. $$\begin{eqnarray*} \theta ' & = & \omega\\ \omega' & = & -\frac gL \sin\theta. \end{eqnarray*}$$ Notice that $(\theta',\omega')$ is given as a function of $(\theta,\omega).$ The entire motion of the pendulum is determined if we know $(\theta,\omega)$ at some instant. So we call $(\theta,\omega)$ the phase of the system. We are given the initial phase of the system, i.e., we know from which initial angle we have released the pendulum, and with what angular velocity. Our aim is to know the phase at all time points during the swing.

Thus, at $t=t_0$ (specified number), we know $$\begin{eqnarray*} \theta & = & \theta_0\mbox{ (specified number)},\\ \omega & = & \omega_0\mbox{ (specified number)}. \end{eqnarray*}$$ We want to know the values $\theta(t)$ and $\omega(t)$ at any given $t > t_0.$

Thanks to the differential equations, we also know the rate at which they are increasing at $t=t_0:$ $$\begin{eqnarray*} \theta'(t_0) & = & \omega_0,\\ \omega'(t_0) & = & -\frac gL\sin \theta_0. \end{eqnarray*}$$ Now advance time a little to $t_1=t_0+\delta t$, say. By this time $\theta$ and $\omega$ will roughly change to $$\begin{eqnarray*} \theta_1 & = & \theta_0 + \theta'(t_0)\delta t = \theta_0+\omega_0\delta t\\ \omega_1 & = & \omega_0 +\omega'(t_0)\delta t = \omega_0-\frac gL\sin \theta_0 \delta t. \end{eqnarray*}$$ So we get the phase (approximately) at $t_1= t_0+\delta t.$

Now we keep on advancing time by $\delta t$ increments. The same logic may be used repeatedly to give, at $t_k = t_0+k\cdot\delta t,$ $$\begin{eqnarray*} \theta_k & = & \theta_{k-1} + \omega_{k-1}\delta t\\ \omega_k & = & \omega_{k-1} -\frac gL\sin \theta_{k-1} \delta t. \end{eqnarray*}$$ Admittedly, this is a rather crude approximation. However, if $\delta t$ is pretty small, the accuracy increases.

Let's explore this numerically using R. First, we decide about a time resolution, and the number of steps to run the process: of time points:
dt = 0.1
n = 100
Next, we create three arrays, one for $t$, one for $\theta$, and the other for $\omega$:
tm = numeric(n)
theta = numeric(n)
omega = numeric(n)
Set the initial values:
tm[1] = 0
theta[1] = 30 * (pi/180)
omega[1] = 0;
Note that array indices in R start from 1 (and not from 0, as in C). Run the following loop to populate the arrays.
for(k in 2:n) {
   tm[k] = tm[k-1] + dt
   theta[k] = theta[k-1] + omega[k-1]*dt
   omega[k] = omega[k-1] - 9.8*sin(theta[k-1])*dt
Finally, make a plot:
plot(tm,theta, ty='l')
Yikes! What nonsense!

We want to play with the value of $\delta t$ (and the number of steps). It is difficult to re-run all these lines of R everytime we change the values. So at this point it is a good idea to turn the above R code into a function:
pendulum = function(t0,theta0,n,dt) {
  tm = rep(0,n)
  theta = rep(0,n);
  omega = rep(0,n);
  tm[1] = t0
  theta[1] = theta0;
  omega[1] = 0;

  C = -9.8;

  for(k in 2:n) {
    tm[k] = tm[k-1] + dt
    theta[k] = theta[k-1] + omega[k-1]*dt
    omega[k] = omega[k-1] + C*sin(theta[k-1])*dt
Now we may simply write
result1 = pendulum(0,30*(pi/180),100,0.1)
to produce the same plot as before. Also the variable result1 will store the numerical values in case we need them.

Now let's increase the time resolution by setting $\delta t=0.01$. To maintain the same time range don't forget to change $n$ accordingly:
pendulum(0, 30* (pi/180), 1000, 0.01)
The result is
Much better
But still do you see something fishy?

EXERCISE:  Execute the above code with different initial values, and see if the output changes as it should. Make a plot of the velocity over time. Draw the phase diagram, i.e., a parametric plot of $(\theta(t), \omega(t))$ with $t$ as the parameter.

EXERCISE:  Modify the code to allow the user to specify a non-zero initial velocity.

EXERCISE:  Plot the potential energy, kinetic energy and total mechanical energy of the system as functions of time. Check if the total mechanical energy curve is indeed a horizontal straight line, as it should be.

EXERCISE:  Try to produce an animation of the pendulum in R. Hint: the function

will cause R to wait for 0.1 second.

  The rod in the above pendulum is an inextensible one. So we could treat $L$ as a constant. What if we replace it by a spring with constant $\gamma?$ Then the tension in the spring will be $$ T = \gamma\cdot \left(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}- \ell\right), $$ where $\ell$ is the unstretched length of the spring. Numerically solve these assuming that $$ \ell=4,~~x(0) = 1,~~y(0)= -2,~~x'(0)=y'(0)=0. $$ Animate to see if the solution looks natural. You may need to tweak $\delta t$ to make it look more natural (i.e., to make it more accurate).

A closer look: Euler's method

Our differential equation was of the form $$y'(t) = f(y),$$ where $y(t_0) = y_0.$ In our pendulum example we had $y = (\theta,\omega).$ Also $$ f(y) \equiv f(\theta, \omega) = \left(\omega, -\frac gL\sin \theta\right). $$ The crude approximation that we used is called Euler's method. It works with the more general form: $$ y'(t) = f(t,y),\quad y(t_0) = y_0. $$ We shall be given the function $f(\cdot,\cdot)$ and the initial values $t_0,y_0.$ We are also given a positive integer $n$ and a step size $\delta t.$ We have to find out the function $y(t)$ at the points $t_1,...,t_n,$ where $$ t_i = t_0+i \delta t. $$ Euler's method works by making local linear approximations to the unknown $y(t).$

For this we need to know the derivative of $y(t).$ If at some instant $t$ we can guess the value of $y(t),$ then the value of $y'(t)$ may be obtained from differential equation: $y'(t)=f(t,y(t)).$

Here we are starting from $y_0 = y(t_0).$ So we know that $y'(t_0) = f(t_0,y_0).$ This is the slope of the tangent to $y(t)$ at $t=t_0.$ Follow this tangent for a little time $\delta t$ to arrive at $y_1 = y_0+f(t_0,y_0)\delta t.$ The point $(t_1,y_1)$ may not lie exactly on the curve of $y(t).$ But if $\delta t$ is small, then this should lie close to it. So we take $y_1$ as an approximation to $y(t_1).$ Now we repeat the process again to get $y_2 = y_1+\delta t\,f(t_1,y_1).$ In general, we define $$ y_k = y_{k-1}+\delta t\, f(t_{k-1},y_{k-1}) \quad\mbox{ for } k=1,...,n. $$ This is Euler's method.

How good is this method? To explore this we shall try out a simple example, where the solution is known.

EXAMPLE:  Suppose we are working with $f(t,y) = -\sin(t+y).$ In other words, we are solving $\frac{dy}{dt} = -\sin(t+y).$ We shall start from the point $\left(0,-\frac \pi2\right),$ i.e., $y = -\frac \pi2$ when $t=0.$

Of course, we can solve it analytically, by taking $v = t+y.$ Then $\frac{dv}{dt} = 1+\frac{dy}{dt}= 1-\sin(v),$ which may be solved by direct integration. The answer is (check!) $$ y = -\sin ^{-1} \left( \frac{1-t^2}{1+t^2} \right) - t. $$ We shall compare our approximation with this to see how Euler's method performs. We shall take $n$ steps in $[0,2].$ Then the Euler iterations are $$ y_i = y_{i-1} - \frac 2n\times \sin(t_{i-1}+y_{i-1}) $$ for $i=1,...,n$ starting with $t_0 = 0$ and $y_0 =-\frac \pi2.$

The result (with $n=10$) is shown in the following graph. The continuous curve is the true solution. The dashed polyline (with 10 segments) is Euler's approximation:
Euler with 10 steps
If we increase the number of steps to 20 then the approximation is somewhat better:
Euler with 20 steps
If you use 100 steps the accuracy is pretty good:
Euler with 100 steps

EXERCISE:  Write an R function of the following form

euler = function(x0, y0, dx, n) {
to produce these plots. To draw multiple lines in the same plot use the lines function:
x1 = seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, len=101)
y1 = sin(x1)
x2 = seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, len=11)
y2 = 0.01*x2^2
This produces
Note that the range of $x$ and $y$-values are determined by the first plot command. You might use its xlim and ylim parameters to change these ranges. See the help of plot function that:

Now try your hand at the following problem.

EXERCISE:  $\frac{dy}{dx} = e^{-xy^2}$ starting from $(0,0).$

Taylor's method

One problem with Euler's method is that unless $\delta t$ is very small the $y_i$'s may move away from the curve of $y(t).$ Taylor's method generalises Euler's method to improve the accuracy. In Euler's method we used local linear approximations (tangents) to $y(t)$ at each $t_i:$ $$ y(t) \approx y(t_i) + y'(t_i)(t-t_i). $$ These are just the first two terms of the Taylor expansion of $y(t):$ $$ y(t_i) + y'(t_i)(t-t_i) + \frac{y''(t_i)}{2}(t-t_i)^2 +\cdots \frac{y^{(k)}(t_i)}{k!} (t-t_i)^k + \cdots $$ In Taylor's method we take more terms from this series. Thus, 1-st order Taylor's method is the same as Euler's method, while the $k$-th order Taylor's method uses $$ y(t)\approx y(t_i) + y'(t_i)(t-t_i) + \frac{y''(t_i)}{2}(t-t_i)^2 +\cdots \frac{y^{(k)}(t_i)}{k!} (t-t_i)^k. $$

EXERCISE: Check that it is the unique $\leq k$ degree polynomial that has the same derivatives as $y(t)$ up to order $k$ at $t_i.$

EXAMPLE: Solve the same differential equation $y'(t) = -\sin(t+y)$ with $y(0) = -\frac \pi2$ over $[0,2]$ using 2-nd order Taylor method.

SOLUTION: The 2-nd degree Taylor polynomial for $y(t)$ at any $t_{k-1}$ is $$ y(t_{k-1}) + y'(t_{k-1})(t-t_{k-1}) + \frac{y''(t_{k-1})}{2} (t-t_{k-1})^2. $$ For this we need $y'(t_{k-1})$ and $y''(t_{k-1}).$ These may be obtained approximately as follows.

We can write the differential equation as $$ y'(t) = -\sin(t+y(t)). $$ Differentiating w.r.t. $t,$ $$ y''(t) = -\cos(t+y(t))(1+y'(t)). $$ Hence $$\begin{eqnarray*} y'(t_{k-1}) & = & -\sin(t_{k-1}+y(t_{k-1}))\\ y''(t_{k-1}) & = & -\cos(t_{k-1}+y(t_{k-1}))(1+y'(t_{k-1})). \end{eqnarray*}$$

As before we take a grid of values in $[0,2],$ say $10$ steps. So there are 11 points starting with $t_0=1$ and ending with $t_{10}=2.$ The general formula for $t_k$ is $$ t_k = 1+k\cdot\delta t, $$ where $\delta t = \frac 2n.$

So the 2nd order Taylor iterations are $$y_{k} = y_{k-1} +\frac 2ny'(t_{k-1}) + \frac{2}{n^2}y''(t_{k-1}).$$ The result is shown below. The red curve is the 2nd order Taylor approximation with $n=10.$ The dashed polyline is the Euler's approximation (i.e., 1st order Taylor) with the same $n.$
Euler and 2nd order Taylor ($n=10$)

EXERCISE:  Implement the code in R to produce the above plot. Also try other values of $n.$

Gravity well

This is a more complicated example.

Many science museums (including the Birla Industrial and Technological Museum here in Kolkata) has a model to demonstrate Einstein's theory of gravitation. The model consists of some balls rolling on a large curved plastic funnel. See this Youtube video here. The funnel represents the space-time warped by a heavy star (yellow ball) sitting at the center. The smaller balls tend to roll into the cavity, but owing to their initial tangential velocities end up orbiting the star.

Consider the following funnel-like surface. It is obtained by rotating the curve $z = f(y)$ around the the $z$-axis. For instance, $f(y)=\sqrt{y-1}$ would produce a surface like the following.
Ball in funnel
A ball is moving along the inner surface of the funnel. We shall ignore the radius of the ball and the friction of the surface. (Thus the ball is a point mass slipping, not rolling, on the funnel.) We know the initial position and velocity of the ball. We want to find out the path that the ball will follow.

There are two forces acting on the ball: its weight and the reaction of the surface. The first works downwards, and so is $$ \left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}0\\0\\-mg \end{array}\right]. $$ The reaction acts inwards along the normal to the surface at the current position of the ball. Let the current position of the ball be $$ \left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}t\\y\\f(u) \end{array}\right], $$ where $u = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}.$ A little coordinate geometry shows that the normal lies along $$ \left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}-x\\-y\\u/f'(u) \end{array}\right]. $$ If this is not clear, then think like this:
First consider the curve $z = f(y)$ and the point on the graph at $y = u.$ The slope of the tangent there is $f'(u)$ and hence the slope of the normal is $-\frac{1}{f'(u)}.$ Understand how we get from this the normal arrow shown below:
The arrow has coordinates $\left( 1,-\frac{1}{f'(u)} \right)$
Now when we rotate the curve around the $z$-axis to generate the surface, the normal arrow also rotates with the curve. The following diagram shows a snapshot during the rotation:
The arrow has coordinates $\left( \frac xu, \frac yu, ,-\frac{1}{f'(u)} \right)$
The pink plane is the rotated version of the graph paper from the earlier 2D graph of $z = f(y).$ If the new position of $P$ is at $(x,y,0),$ then we must have $\sqrt{x^2+y^2} = u.$ From this you should be able to see that a vector along the (outward) normal direction is $\left( \frac xu, \frac yu, ,-\frac{1}{f'(u)} \right)$, or equivalently, $\left( x, y,-\frac{u}{f'(u)} \right)$. So the inward normal direction is given by its negative: $\left( -x, -y, \frac{u}{f'(u)} \right)$
So the reaction force is $$ R\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}-x\\-y\\u/f'(u) \end{array}\right], $$ for some unknown function $R$ of $t$ (time). So we have the equation of motion: $$ m\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}x''\\y''\\z'' \end{array}\right] = R\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}-x\\-y\\u/f'(u) \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}0\\0\\-mg \end{array}\right]. $$ or, dividing by $m,$ $$ \left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}x''\\y''\\z'' \end{array}\right] = \tilde R\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}-x\\-y\\u/f'(u) \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccccc}0\\0\\-g \end{array}\right], $$ where $\tilde R = \frac Rm.$

Notice that $z$ is a known function of $x$ and $y.$ Find $z''$ in terms of $x,y$ and their derivatives. Then use the 3rd equation to get $$ \tilde R = \frac{f'(u)\left(x'^2+y'^2-u'^2\right)/u+u'^2f''(u)+g} {u\left(f'(u)+\frac{1}{f'(u)}\right)}. $$ Thus, now $\tilde R$ is expressed in terms of $x$ and $y$ (and their derivatives). With this $\tilde R$ we now have just two equations in two unknowns: $$\begin{eqnarray*} x'' & = & -x\tilde R\\ y'' & = & -y\tilde R. \end{eqnarray*}$$

 Use 2nd order Taylor method to solve this for the initial condition $$ t(0)=10,~~y(0)=0,~~x'(0)=0,~~y'(0)=5. $$ Take $g = 9.8.$

EXERCISE:  You can make the above problem more realistic by taking friction into account. Remember that kinetic frictional force has magnitude proportional to the normal reaction and acts opposite to the velocity vector.

Many other physics examples are discussed in the web page www.myphysicslab.com. That page has many interactive animations. However, they use a method more sophisticated than what we have used. We shall learn that method in the second half of this course.


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